A guide to combating Blue Monday

Blue Monday is seemingly the most depressing day of the year. However, if we managed 2020 and 2021, I’m sure we can all manage a Blue Monday, which was first mentioned in 2005 in an article. This day is based on calculations that took into account debt levels, time since Christmas, bad weather, and the short amount of daylight that has an impact on our mood. If you believe in Blue Monday or not, you can still do something nice for yourself and others on this day, and here are my tips on how to do so. 

Wear something you love

There is nothing that makes a person more confident than when they are wearing their favorite outfit and feeling themselves. Fashion is a big part of self-care so let’s try focusing on that a little more.  In school, they always told us that clothing has a positive impact on one’s mental health because if one is feeling good and confident, others will also see it which will be attracting positive energy and a lot of compliments. If you can, wearing something colorful can brighten up your and someone else’s day. Be the ray of sunshine someone else might need when they are having a tough day. 

A guide to combating Blue Monday - Wear what you love

Listen to a podcast or your favorite music 

When you are on your way to school or work, playing songs that constantly make you happy and you have beautiful memories of can change your mood instantly. When I’m feeling down, I always play Dance Monkey because it reminds me of an amazing time in my life. This immediately makes me feel better and a podcast can do the same thing. A podcast allows you to be focusing on a topic and maybe even forget that it is the most depressing day of the year. 

Hit the gym

I know I know, some of us are dreading going to the gym but there is something about the feeling once you are covered in sweat working out those glutes. Exercise is helping reduce your cortisol levels and release endorphins to your brain which reduces anxiety, stress, and calms you down. 

Reach out

Reaching out to close ones is extremely important on days like these. You never know what someone is going through and is just needing to talk. Also, if you are feeling down, do not be afraid to be asking for help and talk about it; you never know who is in the same position and can help you by being able to relate. However, try to do that continuously, not only on Blue Monday. If you are in need of a hug, which we all need once in a while, the 21st of January is a hugging day so don’t forget to participate. 

Have your favorite meal

If you are still going strong on your New Year’s resolutions, you rock! But it does not mean that you cannot have your favorite meal. Food makes us all happy and if it is your favorite burger or a smoothie, make sure you treat yourself for all the hard work you have been doing. You deserve it!

A guide to combating Blue Monday - Eat your favorite meal

Have a good laugh 

Laughing is the best possible way of forgetting about your troubles and focusing on the positive things. You can meet up with your besties that always brighten up your mood or watch your favorite comedy. We all have that one thing that will make us laugh immediately, so make sure you do that!

Make plans

As a person who loves to travel and constantly do something, I love having plans. Plans are exciting and make you look forward to something. Looking at potential summer destinations, planning your weekend getaway, or just a dinner with your friends you haven’t seen in a while can make a wonder. The list is endless but looking forward to something will definitely brighten up your mood. 

Have me-time

Me time is such a broad term but what it means is that you get to treat yourself and you do not need Blue Monday for that. Have a relaxing bath with bubbles and candles, read your favorite book or put on a hair or face mask, the choice is yours. But from my personal experience, there is nothing better than a relaxing evening when you get to be focusing on yourself. 

A guide to combating Blue Monday - Self Care

Be kind to yourself

Constantly thinking about how we could make other people happy is great, but we shouldn’t be forgetting about ourselves. We don’t want to be hard on someone when they don’t deserve it, so why should we be hard on ourselves. We are all in the middle of a pandemic and focusing on ourselves should be our top priority. You have got this so keep on going and do not forget to treat yourself once in a while. 

Now you should be all ready to tackle a Blue Monday or any other depressing day, so whatever happens, do not forget that you can do anything you set your mind to!


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